Refer Us A Friend and Earn

We'll Pay You CASH for Your Business Referral!

Dear Friend,

Thank you for doing business with us. Many of our clients have wanted to tell their friends how we help customers, but they are unsure how to do so. We created a video to help your friends understand how we solve I.T. and cybersecurity challenges.

If you have friends or business owners that need to protect sensitive information, archive and meet compliance, Microsoft 365 management, allow remote staff to work securely, or need dependable day-to-day I.T.  support, feel free to send it along. We’d happily follow up with any of them and let you know whether we can help.

We know you value your relationships, and so do we. If your friends are experiencing a problem we’ve helped you solve, we’d love to help them, too. If there’s anything else we can do, please let us know.

Send your friend this explainer video:  or click here to Email this URL to Your Friend

As our way of saying thanks for your referral and time, when your friend signs up for our services, we will send you a referral fee or provide a discount for your services.

Many thanks,

Matthew | 408-216-5800

P.S. Keeping your IT Systems and Data Secure (KISS) can be frustrating.  Let me know if you would rather introduce us to your friend in person or over the phone. We are more than happy to meet with them in their place of business or at any public place.